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Momma, Travel

Ten Minute Moments…Sierra Style

To use the word “vacation” when traveling with small children is a bit of a stretch.  As a good friend once shared, the word “trip” is a better adjective to describe a getaway with little ones in tow.  Long gone are the days of a suitcase full of books, hours of solitude in the sun, leisurely dinners, endless cocktails with no concern for what may follow in the morning; another day of laziness awaits.  As I type the words I even sigh and daydream of a time that once was.  A certain mindset is needed when you enter into a trip with a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old; deep breaths are involved.  Parenting challenges can become all the more challenging when you alter their routines.  While exciting adventures and beautiful spots may await, sometimes young kids could care less.  Last week, to celebrate my daughter’s second birthday, my family and I spent seven days in a rustic cabin on the hillside above Fallen Leaf Lake, just west of Lake Tahoe’s southern shores.  I coined the phrase “ten minute moment” a couple of days in, as I shared with my husband my approach to finding relaxation and joy in days that still required the patience I often struggle with at home.  I was determined to grab as many of them as I could.  It’s advice that I think can hold true to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

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